Curso FPO Inglés para Dependientes de Comercio (Nivel Oficial Consejo Europeo A2)
Cursos INEM - Cursos FPO | |
Cursos Inem-Cursos Fpo Inglés Básico | |
Curso Subvencionado a Distancia | |
150 horas | |
El curso te prepara para poder desarrollar relaciones afines al comercio con clientes de lengua inglesa. El curso persigue que el alumno adquiera un nivel alto y perfeccionado de inglés en el uso de las expresiones inglesas más utilizadas en las relaciones comerciales y en la prestación de un servicio de atención al cliente. | |
Ser trabajador contratado en el régimen general y enviar la documentación de matrícula (no válido para autónomos y funcionarios). | |
Título avalado por la Administración Pública con reconocimiento internacional (válido para oposiciones). | |
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Objetivos del Curso FPO Inglés para Dependientes de Comercio (Nivel Oficial Consejo Europeo A2): Los objetivos del curso se centran en enseñar al alumno un nivel alto de inglés para entender cuando le piden la cuenta, qué son recibos y facturas; para expresar sugerencias y consejos, entender sobre pedidos, dudas de los clientes, para describir y diferenciar las tipologías de tiendas; para tomar notas de pedidos, describir presupuestos, hacer facturas, pedir disculpas y para mantener una conversación por teléfono. Contenidos del Curso FPO Inglés para Dependientes de Comercio (Nivel Oficial Consejo Europeo A2): MÓDULO I. MONEY AND CREDITS TEMA 1. LISTENING Deals with money and change. Understands when people ask for the bill. Knows what receipts and invoices entail. Deals with money, change, and money exchange. TEMA 2. READING Understands texts related to money currency, bills and invoices. Is able to deal with credit card payment. TEMA 3. WRITING Writes bills, receipts and invoices. TEMA 4. SPEAKING Asks politely for money. Is able to make and explain money exchange. Is able to thank people. Can invite them to come back. Expresses gratitude for their preference. TEMA 5. VOCABULARY Money Expressing gratitude Expressing preferences Inviting people Expressing quantities Cardinal numbers TEMA 6. GRAMMAR Can/can't (ability and permission) Going to future Expressing quantities Adverbs of manner MÓDULO II. TYPES OF SHOPPING FACILITIES TEMA 1. LISTENING Can understand basic requests. Is able to understand people's doubts related to the articles he/she sells. Can understand descriptions of different types of shops. TEMA 2. READING Reads and understands short texts about selling. Reads texts related to different types of shopping facilities TEMA 3. WRITING Can write short texts describing the products he/she sells. Can write texts describing the sales process TEMA 4. SPEAKING Can help people. Describes the shop services and products. Talks about them in a simple way. Is able to give simple directions. Is able to describe different types of shops. Can discuss sales products. TEMA 5. VOCABULARY Sales vocabulary Giving directions Cardinal numbers Colours Shapes Sizes TEMA 6. GRAMMAR Difference between –ing and –ed adjectives Two-word nouns Prepositions Past continuous Could MÓDULO III. COMMERCE TEMA 1. LISTENING Can understand people's requests. Is able to understand people's doubts. TEMA 2. READING Can read and understand texts related to requests, likes and dislikes, cheques and invoices. TEMA 3. WRITING Can write a simple business letter. TEMA 4. SPEAKING Is able to make suggestions. Can help people. Can simulate buying and selling contexts. TEMA 5. VOCABULARY Buying and selling cheques business letters invoices and receipts TEMA 6. GRAMMAR Because; but; so ing nouns (gerund) Verbs with two objects Verbs + object + infinitive Present perfect For and since MÓDULO IV. TELEPHONE SALES TEMA 1. LISTENING Is able to understand people's requests. Can establish a selling conversation on the phone. TEMA 2. READING Reads texts related to telephone sales. TEMA 3. WRITING Can write basic texts describing telephone sales interaction. TEMA 4. SPEAKING Can give explanations and convince people. Can help people buy through using the phone TEMA 5. VOCABULARY Making requests Expressing suggestions Giving explanations TEMA 6. GRAMMAR Must/have to Habitual actions in the past: used to Phrasal verbs probability first conditional second conditional MÓDULO V. FINAL TASK - AT THE SHOPPING MALL Course evaluation |
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Cursos Inem-Cursos Fpo Inglés Básico
Noemi: informacion dependientes de comercio ingles
Provincia: Cáceres, Ciudad: Miajadas
Curso FPO Inglés para Dependientes de Comercio (Nivel Oficial Consejo Europeo A2)
Noemi: informacion dependientes de comercio ingles
Provincia: Cáceres, Ciudad: Miajadas